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Why the Curcumin in Turmeric May Help Prevent Clogged Arteries

6 minute read

Clogged arteries or arterial plaques are the leading cause of atherosclerosis, which is a dangerous health condition that leads to heart disease and stroke. Clogged arteries are typically caused by poor diet and poor self-care but can be prevented or treated successfully if caught early enough.

Especially if you a simply trying to improve your overall cardiovascular health, natural remedies may be a great option over OTC medication. Current research has pointed at curcumin as one of the most beneficial natural helpers.

The Danger of Clogged Arteries

When your arteries become clogged with plaque buildups, the result is narrowed arteries and restricted blood flow. The narrowing of your arteries is known as atherosclerosis.

When blood flow is restricted, more strain is placed on your heart, impairing the efficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your body. Fat and cholesterol are the main culprits behind the plaque deposits, and these naturally increase as you get older.

Fat and cholesterol deposits and atherosclerosis are a common problem with aging, and your heart health and risk for serious disease also increase. As your arteries harden because of the accumulation of plaques, your health is put in greater risk.

It is important to monitor your diet, specifically fat and cholesterol intake, as you get older. In addition to this, you can employ other preventative measures such as a daily turmeric (curcumin) supplement.

The number one reason fats and cholesterol levels increase is due to diet. What you eat matters and is the first step to preventing arterial damage. A diet that consists of processed foods and large amounts of fat and sugar is going to contribute to clogged arteries very quickly.

Because of the role that sugar plays in cholesterol buildup, individuals with diabetes are also more prone to clogged arteries and atherosclerosis, so diet becomes very important.

High blood pressure also contributes to clogged arteries as it increases the rate at which the dangerous plaques can accumulate. It also speeds up the hardening process and causes atherosclerosis to develop more quickly.

Smoking increases your risk for clogged arteries as the rate of plaque accumulation is hastened as a result of the toxins present in tobacco. With diet and habit changes, you can prevent cholesterol and arterial plaque buildup.

Curcumin for Clogged Arteries

Curcumin is a powerful compound found in turmeric, which is a spice commonly used in curries. Beyond adding flavor and vibrant color to your meals, turmeric (curcumin) has been used for centuries in traditional medicine practices for a number of conditions.

Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin may even be the next best things for protecting your arteries and your heart.

Curcumin is a polyphenol, which is a plant compound with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that protects your cells from damage. Curcumin also has been shown to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in your blood by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

It also impacts the absorption rates of lipids, which means less fat lingers in your blood. Less fat in your blood means less risk for plaques. Because high cholesterol in the blood triggers platelet formation and blood clotting, curcumin also protects your arteries by eliminating this excessive clotting.

Turmeric therapy has also been used to lower blood pressure by promoting the relaxation of blood vessels. Relaxed vessels allow for healthy blood circulation, which means less chance for plaques to accumulate.

High blood pressure contributes to arterial blockage by preventing delivery of oxygenated blood, so by relaxing your blood vessels, turmeric (or curcumin) prevents blockage.

| Related: Why Turmeric (Curcumin) Is so Good for Your Heart |

In addition to this, curcumin helps to prevent obesity. Being overweight with excess fat stored around the body triggers contributes to clogged arteries.

Fat cells release cytokines that trigger inflammation, which causes damage to blood vessels exposing them to plaque buildup. Curcumin has the ability to inhibit the differentiation of fat-producing cells, which in turn reduces fat storage.

With less inflammation and fat storage, you can lose weight and protect your heart.

The Dietary Changes You Need

Beyond curcumin, there are several important foods you should add to your diet to promote arterial health and protect your heart. Heart disease is a top killer in the United States and can be prevented with better heart care practices.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants will take care of your heart and clear out those clogged arteries. These foods include:

♦ Avocados, which are also full of potassium

♦ Fatty fish, like salmon or tuna are full of omega-3 fatty acids.

♦ Nuts are not only full of omega-3 fatty acids, but they contain a large amount of magnesium which inhibits the accumulation of cholesterol in your arteries.

♦ Pomegranates improve blood circulation by reducing the level of free radicals.

♦ Citrus fruits like oranges are good for protecting your heart because of the vitamin C.

♦ Coffee, so long as you avoid too much sugar and creamer.

♦ Whole grains give you thinner arterial walls and better blood circulation.

The Bottom Line

Clogged arteries are a gateway to serious health problems and cardiovascular disease. As dangerous as they are, they are preventable.

You can protect yourself from atherosclerosis and heart attack with a few simple life changes. With a balanced diet, exercise, and a little help from a spice called curcumin, you can promote arterial health, optimal circulation, and longevity.

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