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1MD stands behind every product we offer. We know that although a large majority of consumers love our products, others may not feel the same.

Please follow these steps to ensure a proper return and refund:

Step 1

You must return your order within 90 days of the date of your purchase.

Step 2

You must let 1MD know of your decision to return your order. There are two ways you may let 1MD know of your decision to return your order. You may do so by calling our customer service center at (888) 393-4030, 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST Monday through Friday and 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday through Sunday, or you may write a notice on the package you are returning.

If you choose to inform us of your decision to return your order by writing a notice on the package, please make sure to include your first and last name and your order confirmation number in your written notice. Your order confirmation number can be found in the order confirmation email that was sent to you at the time of your original purchase. 

Please Note: If you simply send the product package back without either calling us or writing a notice on the package informing us you want to cancel your order, you revoke your right to a refund.

Step 3

You must include inside your return package, all bottles that were purchased in the original order being requested for refund. All bottles, whether they were opened, fully used, or unopened, are required to be shipped back by you to our facility.

More Important Information About 1MD's Return Policy:

- All refunds exclude a return of any associated shipping costs. Customers are responsible for the cost of shipping on all returns.

- Customer refunds take between 14 to 21 business days to process, from the day we receive the product back to our facility.

- If any item appears to be purchased from an unauthorized seller, it will not be accepted and it will not qualify for a refund.

- Customers are liable for product until the returned package is received at our warehouse.

- 1MD is not responsible for any lost or stolen returns. The customer understands if we do not receive the returned package, we cannot issue a refund.

- Product bottles may only be returned as open or empty if adequate time has passed to consume the product as directed on the label. For example, we do not accept a refund request for a six-month supply of empty product bottles only two months after your order's purchase date.

You must return the product within the specified period of time, along with all original packaging, and a note containing your name, order number, and reason for return to:

Shipping Dept
675 N 2800 W #101
Lindon, UT 84042

Cancellation Policy/Changes to Your Order

When we receive an order, we typically begin to process it as soon as possible, this makes it very difficult for us to make changes to an order. Also, once an order is placed, unfortunately products may not be changed. Orders are typically shipped the following business day by 11 a.m. PST. Once an order has shipped, it can not be canceled and will only be refunded upon return of the products.

If there is an error in your shipping address, please contact customer service immediately. Once an order has shipped we cannot be responsible for errors made by the customer in the shipping address.

1MD's Subscription Cancellation, Return, and Refund Policy:

You may cancel your 1MD subscription up to 5 days prior to your next scheduled subscription shipment by contacting Customer Support. Orders that have already been shipped or are scheduled to ship out within 5 days cannot be cancelled.

For 1MD Subscription returns and refunds, please adhere to our return and refund policy as listed above.