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Why Heart Health Means You Need the Many Benefits of Turmeric Curcumin

7 minute read

As cardiovascular disease tops the list of reasons for death worldwide, the importance of heart health has taken center stage. Your blood vessels and your heart are susceptible to damage from diet, stress, lifestyle choices, and the environment.

It is because of this that drugs related to heart health are top sellers, but, unfortunately, these medications come with unpleasant side effects. The good news is that natural compounds exist that can promote heart health and keep heart disease away.

How a Spice Can Save Your Life

Curcumin is the powerful compound in turmeric, a spice commonly used in cooking. More than a bright color and flavorful taste, this spice acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

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These properties make it perfect for your dinner and even better for your health. Your heart specifically can benefit from the characteristics of curcumin and with heart disease being a common threat; we can use all the help we can get.

Anti-Inflammatory Aid

Inflammation is linked to most serious diseases, including heart disease. In small doses, the inflammatory response helps protect you from invading pathogens, but at chronic levels, it seriously damages cells and tissues.

Chronic inflammation has been linked to heart disease, and NSAIDs are often prescribed as part of a heart-healthy regimen. However, these drugs, when taken for extended periods of time, can cause additional health problems, such as stomach ulcers.

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Rather than trading one illness for another, trying turmeric or curcumin supplements instead will protect your heart by reducing inflammation. And you don’t have to worry about unpleasant side effects.

No More Clogs

Studies with mice have shown that curcumin treatments have led to reduced fatty deposits in the body. The fewer fatty deposits there are, the less plaque can build up in your arteries.

Plaque build-ups interrupt healthy blood flow by causing clogs in your blood vessels. When blood flow becomes obstructed in this way, your heart has to work harder to pump blood around. This additional strain increases your risk of heart disease and heart attack or stroke.

With turmeric preventing the build-up of fatty deposits, the only clogs you would need to worry about are in your kitchen sink.

Better Blood Vessel Function

Curcumin has the ability to improve the lining of your blood vessels. Dysfunctional blood vessel lining (endothelium) is a major contributor to heart disease because the vessel walls are unable to accurately regulate blood pressure and blood clotting.


Increased blood pressure can damage and even burst blood vessels, and this can be avoided with regular curcumin supplements. Blood clotting is a necessary function to prevent you from losing too much blood; however, clots can become dislodged and block arteries.

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The properties of curcumin allow it to regulate blood clotting to protect you from blocked blood vessels and a potential stroke.

Antioxidant Agent

Oxidative damage occurs as a result of free radicals, which are natural byproducts of metabolic processes in your body. The key to preventing these molecules from causing damage is to remove them by way of antioxidants.

While you can get antioxidants through a balanced diet, curcumin is one of the most potent antioxidant compounds you can get your hands on. By scavenging free radicals, your heart is protected from oxidative damage and the potential heart failure or disease it can cause.

Protection After Surgery

Studies with post-bypass surgery patients were conducted and found that when given a curcumin regimen after surgery, patient risk of heart attack dramatically decreased. The decreased risk came as a result of lower inflammatory markers being present after surgery.

Patients also reported fewer side effects from the surgery, such as nausea and pain, making curcumin a more effective and gentle therapy.

The Diabetes Link

Most people do not realize there is a strong link between diabetes and heart disease. Having diabetes increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

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Uncontrolled blood sugar levels increase inflammation in your body as well as impact blood pressure levels. Too much blood glucose can cause physical changes to your blood vessels, which increase your risk of heart diseases.

Individuals with diabetes have been shown to develop heart disease at a younger age than those without, and, in adults with diabetes, the leading cause of death is a heart attack or stroke. Because inflammation is the underlying problem, curcumin can offer protection from heart disease for diabetics.

Fighting From All Angles

Metabolic syndrome is one of the main underlying factors of cardiovascular diseases.

The damage caused to your heart comes from obesity, hypertension, lipid dysfunction, and glucose intolerance, which are all associated with metabolic syndrome. Each of these factors contributes to increased inflammation and oxidative stress, damaging heart cells, and tissues.

Curcumin has several properties that allow it to combat metabolic syndrome from multiple angles. This means it can protect your heart by addressing each contributing factor.

Whether you have already suffered heart damage, are looking to protect your heart, or suffer from other inflammatory-related conditions, curcumin can help control the damage and keep your heart healthy.

The Bottom Line

Heart disease is a top killer in this country, and the typical Western diet and lack of exercise do not help. As devastating as heart disease is, there are ways to prevent it as well as heal after any damage has been done.

Curcumin is the superhero of compounds and can protect your heart, boost its health, and keep you from becoming a cardiovascular statistic. Ask your doctor if curcumin is a good idea as part of your treatment.

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