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14 Therapeutic Whole Foods To Kick Start Your Health

9 minute read

If you are like most people trying to get healthy, you probably make a lot of lists. We have lists of exercises, daily routines, lists of bad foods and, of course, lists of good foods. Depending on what you are specifically trying to improve, that list of good food will vary. Variety is always beneficial.

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So many people get stuck on the same diet and food choices. Doing this can lead to boredom and then you start to veer away from that healthy list and your goals. The best lists will contain variety and choice, giving you options to meet your health goals without falling into a monotonous rut.

Luckily, there is a list of 14 great therapeutic foods that can improve your overall health.

1. Bone broth

Bone broth is easy to include in your diet. Sipped as a hot beverage or added to any sauce, soup or meal, bone broth contains numerous valuable proteins and nutrients that our bodies need. The health benefits spread to all areas of the body. Bone broth helps to heal any holes in your gut, therefore improving common digestive problems.

The chondroitin sulfate, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium support bone and joint health. A rich supply of collagen keeps you looking younger and the glycine helps you sleep better.  

There is a reason that your grandma and your mother serve up fresh chicken soup when you are sick. For centuries, chicken soup made from real bone broth has been a traditional remedy for colds and flu across the globe. The reason is simple; bone marrow supports your immune system and gives it the boost it needs to take down any virus or infection.  

 2. Berries

All berries are rich sources of phytonutrients, natural compounds found in plants that provide numerous health benefits. Phytonutrients are responsible for activating enzymes that boost the immune system, improving cardiovascular health.

These compounds help to get rid of toxins, and stimulate the death of cancer cells. Choose from strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and the list goes on. They all provide the same health benefits so you can choose whichever ones you like.

Additionally, blue/purple and black berries contain resveratrol, which supports healthy aging by reducing blood sugar and inflammation, as well as supporting the cardiovascular system. Acai berries make a good choice because of their high antioxidant levels, which fight both cancer and heart disease.

The goji berry has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries and is now a common sight on supermarket shelves. This tangy berry helps with poor circulation and is a rich source of vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system.

3. Brazil nuts

This uncommonly eaten nut contains high levels of selenium, essential for thyroid health. Selenium also supports blood clot prevention and, as an antioxidant, fights free radicals. Our bodies are not able to produce selenium so it must be obtained from outside sources.

As with other nuts, Brazil nuts contain beneficial levels of unsaturated fats and omega-3 oils as well as complete proteins. Complete proteins provide us with all the essential amino acids that we require for healthy growth, development and muscle repair.

4. Chia seeds

Previously best  known for the sprouting of green fur on pottery pets, chia seeds actually provide some essential benefits to our overall health. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds are a great alternative source of omega-3s for those who prefer not to eat fish. Additionally, they contain large amount of calcium and fiber to support the skeletal and digestive systems. Chia seeds can be easily integrated into your diet by blending them into a juice or smoothie or adding to your oatmeal or salads.  

5. Cocoa powder

Chocolate can be part of a healthy diet! Cocoa powder contains flavonoids which help to lower blood pressure and to improve blood flow to the heart and brain, also containing helpful phytonutrients and antioxidants. We can never have too much help when it comes to fighting off free radicals and ridding the body of toxins. When it comes to chocolate, you need to remember to look for dark chocolate containing at least 60 to 70% cocoa to access these health benefits and remember to eat in moderation.  

6. Cruciferous vegetables

Broccoli, beets, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, cruciferous vegetable, all contain sulfur compounds that help the body to detox. Our environment exposes us to dangerous toxins every day and over time, these build up to cause oxidative damage. Oxidative damage happens to be one of the major precursors to a number of serious diseases including heart disease. Including these vegetables in your diet is an excellent way to support your body's natural detoxification processes to ensure your body gets rid of toxins.

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7. Coconut oil

This oil has a very unique saturated fat content; medium chain triglycerides. Easy to digest  these fats are linked to improved cognition, lipid balance, immune support, and metabolism.  Additionally, coconut oil is an antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial agent. Coconut oil is easy to add to your diet and is a good substitute for butter in cooking.

8. Eggs

Eggs have been part of the human diet for thousands of years. As a great source of fat and protein, eggs can support numerous systems within your body. Although eggs have commonly been avoided by those wishing to avoid cholesterol, a body of research indicates that eggs may actually improve HDL or “good cholesterol.” Eggs contain rare minerals such as selenium, and proteins that support cognition and detoxification. Additionally eggs may prevent eye diseases and certain cancers,as well as support weight loss,

9. Fish

In addition to being a good protein source, certain types of fish are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients provide neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties  In addition, omega-3 has a mild blood thinning effect, which benefits those with cardiovascular concerns or problems. Omega-3 has also been linked to the reduction of depressive symptoms, supporting mental health.

10. Himalayan Pink Sea Salt

More beneficial than regular table salt, Himalayan pink sea salt contains over 80 ionized minerals that were encrusted in the earth over 200 million years ago. Our reliance on restaurant meals and takeout adds large amounts of sodium to our diet. When we prepare more at-home meals, we can replace table salt with pink sea salt, slashing sodium intake. Excess sodium intake can be linked to hypertension or high blood pressure. Additionally, pink sea salt supports cardiovascular health, electrolyte balance, hydration, and detoxification. The seasoning contributes to skin and hair health, as well.

11. Gelatin

Gelatin is rich in the amino acid glycine, which supports skin, hair, nails and bone health  Glycine can also help heal our gut from any digestive damage. Gelatin is found in the connective tissue of animals but you can also use it as a thickener or combine with water and a little fruit juice for a snack.  

12. Oats

The polyphenols is oats can help to reduce inflammation. Oats also contain fiber, which supports a healthy digestive system. Oats are a good source of prebiotics, a non-digestible fiber that feeds probiotics. By keeping your gut bacteria healthy, probiotics support immunity and assist in the efficient absorption of nutrients. Oatmeal is a great way to start any day, giving you a good dose of B vitamins for metabolism, as well as iron and magnesium to support your bone health.

13. Plain yogurt

Calcium and vitamin D, essential for bone health,are both found is plain yogurt. Since we naturally lose bone mass as we age, obtaining calcium and vitamin D from our food becomes essential  If we do not give our body calcium, it grabs what we need each day from our bones which leads to their gradual weakening. The most beneficial yogurt to choose is plain or Greek yogurt, made with organic milk.

14. Turmeric

This powerful herb has been used in Eastern cultures as a medicinal herb for centuries. Turmeric’s amazing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties have been brought to attention in our culture. Taken in supplement form or added to diet, a regular supply of turmeric is a better option than most pain and anti-inflammatory medications, and there is no need to worry about those pesky side effects.

The Bottom Line

Given that each of these amazing super foods provide different benefits to you, the more you include the better  Be sure you include these powerful foods in your daily mix to keep it interesting and keep you healthy. Variety is not just the spice of life, but the source of life.

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  1. https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/super-veggies-cruciferous-vegetables#1
  2. http://bostonfunctionalnutrition.com/top-9-therapeutic-foods/
  3. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-proven-health-benefits-of-eggs
  4. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-proven-health-benefits-of-chia-seeds