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Top 8 Superfoods of 2017 That Support and Defend Your Health

8 minute read

With so many healthy and nutritious foods out there being labeled "superfoods" these days, we wondered just how many of them were more trendy than helpful.

Rather than go down a long list of pureed health drinks and kale chip-derived "super snacks" like avocados, we thought we'd focus on some lesser-known foods.

The seven superfoods listed below can not only enhance and support your health, but they are also all among the smartest nutritional choices you can make for your body.

1. Turmeric

People have been hearing a lot about turmeric at this point, and they should. Turmeric is a surprising addition to a list of superfoods, but it might just be the very best on the list.

There's a lot of research that supports the idea that turmeric can stop people from getting type II diabetes altogether and that it can even out a person's blood sugar.

There is also a great deal of evidence supporting the idea that turmeric can alleviate joint pain, including the severe joint pain caused by arthritis.

Curcumin, (the extract derived from turmeric,) is fantastic when used to help support bones, joints, mobility, and flexibility. It has been used for these purposes for thousands of years.

2. Blackcurrants

Blackcurrants, not to be confused with zante currants, are immensely nutritious and good for you in multiple ways.

There is some evidence that the antioxidants in blackcurrants might be able to slow down the aging process altogether, making a huge difference for people who are trying to do everything that they can in order to stay young, fit, and healthy.

Consuming blackcurrants might also be instrumental in slowing down the muscle loss that often occurs with age. Blackcurrants may be able to help promote some muscle recovery and fat loss at the same time.

People who consume blackcurrants may also be less likely to acquire type II diabetes.

There are lots of different ways to add blackcurrants to recipes. Using blackcurrants will amp up your meal plan.

3. Flaxseed

Ground flaxseed is truly one of the best superfoods that anyone can try at any point in their lives. People can get essential omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed.

Adding more omega-3 fatty acids into the diet is one of the best ways to stay healthy in general, supporting the brain, body, and immune system.

People with a better ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids will be more likely to prevent a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

The soluble and insoluble fiber in flaxseed should also be able to make all the difference in the world for the people who are trying to preserve their bowel health.

It is a great resource for those trying to become more energetic. Consuming flaxseed might be able to help people lower their cholesterol and blood pressure in general, thus reducing their risk for heart disease and premature death.

The lignans in flaxseed might be able to help people reduce their risk of cancer, while also helping them to balance their hormones and get healthier in general.

Antioxidants of all kinds can help counteract the aging process. Of all the trendy nutritious foods out there, flaxseed is certainly worthy of the 'superfood' title.

4. Maca Root

The consumption of maca root may be able to help people balance their hormones effectively, which can have all sorts of health benefits for the body and which will make all the difference for people with a wide range of different health conditions.

Maca root is from Peru originally, and the people there have been using it for a long time. This is the sort of superfood that can help people from all over the world.

Consuming maca root can automatically give people much more energy, which should make all the difference for the people who are trying to exercise more often and otherwise improve their lives.

Some people will specifically consume maca root in order to give themselves more energy in specific areas of their lives since maca root might be able to boost a person's sex drive, as well as their physical stamina in general.

5. Freekeh

This toasted young green wheat has an interesting and unique flavor bordering on smoky and nutty, so you know it tastes great while providing incredible benefits.

Freekeh is very rich in fiber and protein, fortified with vitamins and minerals, and can be prepared more efficiently than rice. This superfood is excellent for the heart.

It is also a fantastic substitute for rice in general. It provides a lot of nutrients that you can't easily get from common foods included in most western diets. Try it out!

6. Kalettes

It's a hybrid of kale and brussels sprouts, and it may just be the coolest and most interesting healthy new vegetable making the rounds in 2017.

This extremely healthy veg made its debut in the U.S. last year for the first time. Kalettes are full of essential vitamins and nutrients and they taste delicious whether you cook them or serve them raw. Kalettes are making big waves.

7. Hemp Milk

Hemp milk is one of those underrated superfoods that everyone who can tolerate it should drink more of whenever they can. It's rich with all sorts of healthy nutrients.

It is produced by grinding and soaking hemp seeds in water, and it is a tasty drink and an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids we need for heart and brain health.

Hemp milk is something you should try out if you never have before, and watch as the health benefits roll in with regular consumption. It's a top superfood, for sure.

8. Fermented Foods

This may be nothing new to those people who suffer differing digestive ailments, but fermented foods have been a staple of healthy and nutritious digestive support for a long time now. Fermented foods can revamp your entire body's health profile.

Fermented foods are extremely rich in probiotics and digestive enzymes, which facilitate smooth and regular digestion. Specific fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso soup, greatly improve other aspects of digestion.

Try to find sauerkraut and kimchi products that contain the greatest amount of live active cultures possible. Adding this into your diet will do wonders for your health.

The Bottom Line

These incredible health-supporting superfoods are only the tip of the iceberg in what is now available to boost our vital systems and taste great while doing it.

From cognitive and cardiovascular support to digestive regulation, reduction in overall inflammation, defense of eyesight, and relief of joint pain and mobility issues, superfoods come with a myriad of healthful advantages for most.

Try adding a few of these great foods, or all of them, to your diet and notice the difference it makes for your health. You just might fall in love with some of them.

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  1. http://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2017/new-superfoods-for-2017-se.html?intcmp=AE-FOD-TREND-SPOT1
  2. http://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2015/top-superfoods-photo.html#slide1