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The Miracle Mineral That Can Radically Reduce Anxiety

5 minute read

One of the most important minerals required for maximum well-being is Magnesium. Nick-named the ‘’ultimate chill pill’’ and ‘’nature’s Valium" its numerous nutritive qualities provides the body with over 300 enzymes vital for the body’s biochemical process for proper metabolic function. It is the most abundant mineral in the body with more than 3,750 areas where you'll find magnesium binding to human proteins.

This mineral plays a big part in the proper relaxation of the body's blood vessels, controls blood sugar, and aids in the creation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is essential to delivering energy to the body. The benefits of magnesium are far-reaching, but are particularly effective in reducing anxiety and stress levels.

Magnesium is required for the body’s more than 600 metabolic functionalities which is why it is unfortunate that this crucial mineral is ranked as the 2nd most deficient nutrient in the most of the developed nations.

As we follow this trend of intake levels taking a downward dive, we also notice levels of anxiety and stress have skyrocketed. Because of this connection between magnesium deficiency and the rise of anxiety and stress, researchers are focusing their efforts on further studying how the lack of magnesium effects the body.

Lowered levels of magnesium in the body can cause deterioration of cellular metabolic functionality which can lead to serious health problems, including anxiety, depression, cardiovascular pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, and sudden cardiac death. This mineral is very important when it comes to the body cleansing process, otherwise known as detoxification, accelerated by the synthesis of glutathione (GSH).

Magnesium is vitally important to the body’s organelles like mitochondria whose job it is to generate the required energy used by the body's cells. If the mitochondria in the body do not function properly, serious health problems will occur, therefore maintaining adequate levels of the mineral magnesium is required.

Magnesium improves the overall health and quality of mitochondria, considered the power generators of our cells, which plays an important role in changing cancer cell biology. Healthy mitochondria has also been shown to reduce the symptoms associated with migraines and serious headaches, and provides a strong foundation for cardiovascular health.

 Other benefits of controlling proper levels of magnesium in our bodies are:

- Increased gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) which acts to calm your central nervous system

- Reduces stress hormones by creating a barrier, blocking them from entering the brain

- Reduces inflammation brought about by anxiety and stress

- Rids the body of heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, and mercury which minimizes anxiety

- Increases brain plasticity supporting the brain's power to heal itself

- Equalizes blood glucose levels by regulating insulin secretion from the pancreas

In the 20th century, the average daily intake of magnesium was 500 mg due to the fact that the soil at that time was rich in mineral. This amount has drastically changed, especially in the well-developed countries, due to many changes in the soil formation.

The deficiency can also occur when there is an excessive intake of any one of the following; stress, alcohol, and prescription drugs, or a lack of adequate sleep. Processed foods that are popular in the developed countries also contribute to this deficiency. 

Great care is required when considering to supplement with magnesium. It's highly recommended to seek a doctor's advice to implement a magnesium supplement regimen to ensure you maintain the proper balance of magnesium with calcium and vitamins K2 and D. These nutrients work together in synergy, which means an incorrect imbalance might be disastrous to your health and can lead to stroke or heart attack. 

You can also boost mineral levels with foods that are rich in magnesium like kale, bok choy, collard greens, spinach, broccoli, and turnip greens just to name a few.

The Bottom Line

Addressing a magnesium deficiency can have a highly positive impact on the overall health of your body. If the levels of magnesium in your body are kept at the optimum level then you will experience better moods, an improved focus, increased energy, and sound sleep patterns. 

  1. http://www.healthandhealthyliving.com/17-magnesium-filled-foods-can-lower-risk-anxiety-depression-heart-attacks/
  2. https://bebrainfit.com/magnesium-anxiety-stress/