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Can Probiotics Help Psoriasis Flare Ups?

7 minute read

Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune skin disease that causes inflammation and scaling of your skin. Healthy skin cells turnover once a month, but psoriasis causes the process to happen too quickly, causing the cells to pile up.

This unpleasant condition affects close to 3 percent of the U.S. population, but thankfully there is a way to beat it with simple diet changes.

The symptoms of psoriasis vary according to the form that you have, but it is important to understand that it is much more than an annoying skin condition. If not treated (with the use of probiotics, for example) it can develop into psoriatic arthritis, which is a very painful inflammation of the joints.

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Psoriasis originates in your immune system and involves white blood cells called T cells. The condition develops when T cells are mistakenly put into action, and they become overactive.

Psoriasis Symptoms and Causes

Psoriasis typically is found on the elbows, legs, scalp, palms, face, lower back, and soles of your feet. The most common symptoms include:

♦ Loose skin or lesions that are sensitive

♦ Dandruff on the scalp

♦ Plaques of red skin sometimes covered with scales that are white or silver

♦ Discoloration in finger or toenails

♦ Cracked and discolored skin that easily bruises and bleeds

Also, many people often have emotional problems too when suffering from psoriasis because of their appearance and the development of a feeling of hopelessness.

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Doctors are unsure about what specifically causes psoriasis, but they have discovered several contributing factors such as:

♦ Overactive immune system

♦ Poor diet

♦ Emotional stress

♦ Hormonal changes

♦ Increased number of T cells in the blood

♦ Genetics

♦ Vitamin D deficiency

♦ Poor liver function

Probiotic Properties

Studies have shown that there is a link between your intestinal structure and function and the development of psoriasis. It is thought that psoriasis develops because of intestinal permeability, which can be caused by a poor diet as well as autoimmune diseases.

A leaky gut allows particles to pass through the intestinal wall, triggering the inflammatory response. In addition to this, your body is forced to expel toxins through the skin as a way of trying to cleanse itself more efficiently.

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Your body already hosts trillions of bacteria, most of which are living in your gut. These friendly microbes are essential to your overall health.

Given that so many already live within us, it makes sense that additional probiotic support can only enhance your health. Any disease that impacts your intestine causes inflammation, and there are very specific roles that bacteria play in these situations.

To help support the natural store of bacteria you have, probiotics should be included in your diet. If you already suffer from autoimmune diseases, such as arthritis or psoriasis, probiotics can help to clear the problem by eliminating the inflammation.

Probiotics help by maintaining a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in your body. They also help to reduce the pathogenic and toxic strains that enter your body and cause infection and inflammation.

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During the course of an infection or psoriasis flare-up, good bacteria numbers can become reduced, so probiotics help to replenish the numbers to keep you healthy. Probiotics can speed up the repair of any damage done to your intestines, thereby stopping inflammatory responses quicker.

The microbes in the gut are essential to our health and provide support to the immune system. Since we rely on our immune system to identify pathogenic and toxic materials, it makes sense for us to support our immunity any way we can.

The microbes in your gut allow your body to determine good from bad, and, once this distinction is made, defenses can be launched. Probiotics help keep your intestinal balance healthy, so your body’s defenses are properly guided.

The Psoriasis Diet

Conventional treatments are difficult because psoriasis is thought to be an autoimmune disease, which means that your body mistakenly attacks its own cells and tissues.

Immunosuppressant drugs are often used, but there are side effects, which cause concern. There are also topical therapies which can work, but the natural approach of a psoriasis diet seems to have the best outcomes.

A good diet has always been the best approach to achieving good health. It just so happens that the right diet can not only treat psoriasis, but it can also prevent the condition in the first place.

The best foods to eat are anti-inflammatory in nature, and, as part of your regular diet, these foods can take care of your psoriasis problem while improving your overall health.


As one of the leading compounds to fight inflammation, probiotics need to be the main part of a psoriasis diet. Ideally, you want to choose organic, raw dairy such as kefir, yogurt, and cultured vegetables.

People suffering from psoriasis have reported relief with a probiotic diet even when conventional treatments did not help. Anecdotal evidence shows that cases of psoriasis that were treated with probiotics not only completely cleared up, but they stayed clear.

High-Fiber Foods

Not only does fiber help keep your digestive tract healthy and running efficiently, but fiber stimulates the growth of friendly bacteria. Fruits, beans, and vegetables are all ideal for supporting the natural bacteria in your gut, which can help to fight inflammation and therefore, psoriasis.


The same foods that are high in fiber tend to also be full of antioxidants and these are important because they help to scavenge free radicals. These free radicals can damage your cells as well as promote inflammation, which causes psoriasis.

The top choices for antioxidant powers include turmeric curcumin, blueberries, pecans, cilantro, and kidney beans.

Raw Dairy

The inclusion of raw dairy delivers important probiotics to your gut, which as already mentioned, are the top fighters against inflammation-related diseases such as psoriasis.

The Bottom Line

Psoriasis is uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to ruin your life. As with any medical condition, you should always consult with your physician to determine the best course of action.

Also, you can increase your natural intake of probiotics by including the foods mentioned above. Inflammation is the culprit, and it can be stopped. So follow psoriasis and probiotic diet and fight the flare-ups.

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