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5 Incredibly Simple Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Your Cholesterol Now

8 minute read

There are certain lifestyle changes that will have a lot of widespread benefits for the body when taken into careful consideration.

People who make these lifestyle changes will be able to much more easily lower their LDL levels and generally improve their health and nutrition.

In order to lower cholesterol, people often just have to change certain dietary patterns and exercise habits, while giving up some of their less healthy behaviors.

Lowering cholesterol is easier than a lot of people think, so be encouraged to adopt healthier habits for the sake of getting a wide range of useful health benefits, including a healthier digestive and immune system.

1. Consume Healthy Fats

Twenty years ago, eating a low-fat diet was considered the pinnacle of nutrition, but the thinking on the subject has changed substantially.

Today, there is much more emphasis on eating the right types of fats and not the wrong type. The quantity of fat is much more negligible when viewed in this light.

Eating trans fats is absolutely out of the question when it comes to heart health. Trans fat will lower HDL cholesterol and raise LDL cholesterol, which is a truly terrible combination when it comes to a person's long-term health.

One of the most important lifestyle changes that a person can make is to cut out trans fat. There are codes for trans fat on food labels that people should look for, including 'partially hydrogenated oil' and 'hydrogenated oil.'

If you're concerned that your history of consuming these bad oils has already affected your digestive and immune systems, a broad spectrum probiotic can aid healing in the gut to restore and reset your body's health clock.

Some processed foods labeled 'trans fat free' might have half a gram of trans fat per serving, which means that people will get too much trans fat if they eat several different servings.

Consuming more omega-3 fatty acids can really make all the difference in terms of a person's health outcomes.

People can reduce their triglyceride levels as a result of consuming more omega-3 fatty acids.

According to the American Heart Association, it's a good idea to eat two servings of fatty fish on a weekly basis. People who consume this level of fatty fish like salmon will not have to worry about mercury as much.

Consuming walnuts can also help people get the healthy omega-3 fatty acids that they need.

2. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

People should be able to lower their LDL levels by consuming fruits and vegetables more regularly.

One of the strongest recommendations from the The American Heart Association is to consume more fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fish, nuts, and poultry.

In order to improve health in general, it's a good idea to consume more fruits and vegetables, of course.

Fruits and vegetables also have the advantage of being high in fiber, which is good for cholesterol management and provides numerous healing properties to the effectiveness of the digestive system which in turn provides a boost to the immune system and your overall health.

Eating more fruits and vegetables can truly make a huge difference for the people who are trying to make the appropriate health adjustments.

3. Get More Exercise

It's true that many dietary guidelines shift when it comes to heart health. The health benefits of exercise keep affirming themselves over and over again.

People should be able to boost their HDL cholesterol levels as a result of engaging in regular exercise.

Getting more exercise can improve heart health, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and nearly everything else.

One of the most important lifestyle adjustments that a person can make in general involves getting more exercise.

According to the American Heart Association, people should aim for forty minutes of powerful aerobic exercise three to four times a week.

Getting thirty minutes of moderate exercise a day for five days a week is also a really good pace that can help people lower their cholesterol levels.

Of course, people who add any exercise to their regular routines will be able to get some health benefits, so it's important not to take an 'all or nothing' approach.

Fortunately, it is possible to get many of the health benefits associated with exercise without engaging in a lot of strenuous exercise all the time.

Many people think that exercise doesn't count unless it's very difficult to do and unless people do it for very long periods of time.

This is not the case, and doctors have been saying that for decades by this point.

4. Stop Smoking and Avoid Cigarette Smoke

It's hard for scientists to really overemphasize the dangers of smoking cigarettes.

It is true that researchers do change their minds as new evidence emerges, but the evidence against cigarette smoking has only increased with time.

People will instantly, automatically improve their HDL levels if they quit smoking.

It's estimated that people will reduce their heart rates and blood pressure levels only twenty minutes after giving up cigarettes. 

It takes about fifteen years for people to get back to where they were before they smoked in terms of the associated health risks.

However, every day a person spends as a nonsmoker will improve his or her health. 

5. Drink Alcohol In Moderation

People have been hearing about the health benefits of wine for years. However, the health benefits of wine are only correlated with a moderate consumption of wine.

It is true that people who drink moderate amounts of alcohol might have relatively favorable HDL cholesterol levels. However, people who don't drink, shouldn't start.

The recommendation for moderate alcohol consumption is based on the observation that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol is probably not overly risky.

It's not really based on the idea that moderate amounts of alcohol are actively beneficial. A moderate alcohol consumption looks like one drink daily for women and men over the age of 65, or two drinks a day for men aged 65 or less. 

Taking on a more moderate alcohol consumption is one of the most important lifestyle changes that a person can make.

People who consume large amounts of alcohol are increasing their risk of stroke, heart failure, and elevated blood pressure levels by an unacceptable margin.

The Bottom Line

Many of the healthy habits that will lower cholesterol can also give people a lot of different associated health benefits.

Most guidelines for nutrition are there for a reason, and they have a tendency to be generally good for the body. People should notice the difference readily enough.

In the end, it's worth it to adopt a few lifestyle changes if it means lowering your overall cholesterol levels. One quick fix can potentially enhance your entire health.

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  1. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/in-depth/reduce-cholesterol/art-20045935
  2. https://healthguides.healthgrades.com/taking-cholesterol-seriously/5-lifestyle-changes-to-lower-your-cholesterol