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How Taking the Omega-3s in Krill Oil Could Save You From a Stroke

8 minute read

They may call it a mild transient ischemic attack (TIA), but it feels anything but mild. These mini strokes are often warning of a more serious and permanent stroke.

Since they serve to warn you of a more dangerous threat, it makes sense for them to be unpleasant. The good news is that once you bounce back from a mini stroke, you have the perfect opportunity to make changes to your life to make sure that big stroke never comes to visit.

A Fish a Day…

A recent study discovered that omega-3 fatty acids, present in fish meat and supplements like krill oil, have a positive effect on the prevention of a stroke.

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Patients with a higher protein intake were found to be significantly less likely to have a stroke.

Krill oil is one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids we can get. Omega-3 has long been linked to good heart health and it seems it can help prevent strokes too. Strokes are caused by a blocked artery and there are several lifestyle and health factors that increase your chances of having one.

♦ Being overweight or obese

♦ Physical inactivity

♦ Heavy or binge drinking

♦ Hypertension

♦ High cholesterol

♦ Diabetes

♦ Cardiovascular disease

♦ Smoking

Incorporating krill oil into your daily routine is a great way to prevent a stroke because it addresses several of the key factors mentioned above. Stroke is the 5th most common cause of death in the United States, so any way to protect against it, such as using krill oil for heart health, is most welcome.

The Warning Before the Storm

A TIA is often a warning sign for a future stroke. By their very definition they are transient and do not last long, but they are unpleasant enough to provide alarm.

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TIAs are caused by a temporary blockage of blood flow to your brain, and the damage is not typically permanent. Often the body can resolve the blockage on its own by pushing it downstream or by naturally breaking it up with clot dissolvers.

When blood flow to your brain is interrupted, serious injury to your brain tissue can occur. A TIA means that the interruption was not long enough to do any serious damage, but it warns that a more permanent stroke could be looming.

Approximately one third of people that experience a TIA will suffer a stroke within a year, making it very important to address the situation should it occur.

The symptoms of a TIA can include but not are limited to:

♦ Weakness of your hand, arm, or leg

♦ Difficulty speaking

♦ Difficulty swallowing

♦ Numbness in any part of your body

♦ A brief loss of vision or double vision

Any combination of these symptoms can be terrifying, as they closely resemble those of a stroke. Once a TIA has been identified, you need to start making some changes.

Omega-3 for Your Heart

You can get omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA and EPA, from plant sources as well as animal sources, and they are both important to your health.

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Animal-based DHA, however, is more strongly associated with heart health. Regularly consuming animal-based DHA can protect your heart, lower your risk for heart attack, and, when taken after a heart attack or stroke, can improve your recovery.

Animal-based omega-3 fatty acids, such as the kind you find in fresh fish or krill oil, help to lower the concentrations of triglycerides in your blood. Poor diet and lifestyle choices can cause these levels to get too high, which increases your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and your risk of heart disease or stroke.

Omega-3 fatty acids help to improve endothelial function by lowering triglyceride levels, which lowers blood pressure and promotes the growth of new blood vessels.

Omega-3 fatty acids in krill oil help to reduce inflammation throughout your body. Even though we need some inflammation to protect us from invading pathogens, too much can cause irreparable damage.

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Inflammation can damage heart cells and tissue, causing heart disease and stroke if left unchecked.

The high-fat diet of Americans does not help this and is linked to an unhealthy gut, which can cause leaky gut syndrome and result in chronic inflammation. To protect your heart and blood vessels from the damages of inflammation, you need to add more fish, or krill oil, to your diet.

Krill oil also provides support to your heart by preventing or counteracting cardiac arrhythmia. Irregular heart rhythms are caused by blocked arteries or blood vessel damage and can lead to stroke if not corrected.

Regular omega-3 intake helps to prevent thrombosis (blood clot formation) within blood vessels and prevents fatty deposits and fibrosis in the internal layers of your arteries. This allows your heart to beat with regular rhythm and reduces your risk of stroke or heart disease.

Krill oil has been shown to support overall health beyond your heart:

♦ Promotes strong bones

♦ Reduces your risk of Alzheimer’s disease

♦ Protects against metabolic syndrome

♦ Reduces your risk of Crohn’s disease

♦ Protects against autoimmune diseases

Easily obtained from fish, like salmon or herring, or through a supplemental krill oil capsule, omega-3 fatty acids need to be in your diet. DHA and EPA are the most common omega-3 fatty acids and your entire body relied on them for optimal functioning.

DHA is a component of every cell within your body. Most notably, the anti-inflammatory activity of omega-3s protects you from serious damage and can be the difference between life and death.

The Bottom Line

With heart disease and stroke being top killers in this country, more focus needs to be given to heart health. A small capsule a day can protect your heart and prevent stroke.

A stroke can be a truly devastating event for an individual and their loved ones. If you experience a TIA, heed the warning.

Start adding krill oil to your diet so that stroke that is lurking around the corner can just keep right on moving.

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1MD’s Antarctic Krill Oil Platinum is the best krill oil on the market and contains 1600 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, including the essential EPA and DHA, in every serving. These powerful antioxidants promote cognitive, heart, joint health, and more.

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