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Why Eczema Sufferers Should Look to Krill Oil's Omega-3s for Relief

7 minute read

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory condition that shows as blisters and rashes all over the skin. While it is a very common skin disorder, it is not contagious and can be easily treated with medications and natural alternatives.

There may not be a complete cure to eczema, but with early diagnosis and by incorporating the right treatment program into your life, you can live free and clear. An important part of this treatment has been shown to be omega-3 fatty acids.

The Eczema Breakdown

There is usually a genetic component to developing eczema, and it is also strongly linked to allergies. An out-of-control inflammatory response is the main culprit to all your itchy, dry, and blistery skin.

The most common symptoms of eczema outside of dry and itchy skin include:

♦ Crusting and oozing blisters on the skin

♦ Red inflamed skin surrounding the blisters

♦ Scabs from repeated scratching of blisters

♦ Thickened skin or scaling

♦ Broken, bleeding sores from excessive dryness and scratching of blisters

♦ Leathery patches of skin that are lighter or darker than your normal skin tone

Certain factors increase your risk for developing eczema and can form as early as age two. Living in a climate with low humidity as well as exposure to harsh conditions are two of the most common risk factors.

In addition to this, living in urban areas and certain vitamin or mineral deficiencies can also increase your risk. Too much stress and allergic reactions can also trigger eczema and can worsen current conditions.

When it comes to diagnosing eczema, doctors need to take a full family history as well as note any allergies you may have. Skin sensitivity tests can also be performed to identify any irritants that may trigger inflammatory flare-ups.

Also any medications you are taking as well as your exposure to stress is important in identifying the condition. Once diagnosed, eczema is easily treated, and life can go on.

Control Inflammation and Control Your Eczema

The key to preventing eczema and reducing flare-ups lies in controlling the inflammation in your body. While not life-threatening, eczema is very uncomfortable and can be a nuisance in your life if left untreated.

The rashes are also very unsightly and with repeated scratching, can lead to broken blisters, bleeding, and permanent skin scarring.

The good news is that this irritating and intrusive condition can be significantly reduced with several natural treatments. Of course, there are numerous eczema medications and topical ointments available, but going natural allows you to avoid possible reactions to drug ingredients. Also, many medications cause unpleasant side effects with prolonged use, whereas natural options, like krill oil supplements and targeted diets, keep you free of itching and side effects.

Omega-3 fatty acids are the most abundant ingredients in krill oil supplements. They are also powerful anti-inflammatory agents, which makes them ideal for combating the inflammation that triggers eczema breakouts.

Most people turn to fish oil for their dose of omega-3 fatty acids, but this is not getting as much bang for your buck. Krill oil has more-powerful anti-inflammatory properties than fish oil, namely because it is easier to absorb and therefore more efficiently used by your body.

Krill oil also contains astaxanthin, which is both an anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant. These combined properties make it ideal for fighting eczema and other serious diseases.

Both inflammation and oxidative damage are linked to the most serious diseases we face. It is already well known that inflammation triggers eczema, but what is the role of oxidative damage?

Oxidative damage is dangerous for all cells and tissues. It is a result of your body’s natural metabolic processes. In excess, it can cause cell damage and death, and regarding to your skin, this prevents the growth of new skin cells.

Oxidative damage can exacerbate already irritated and dry skin, making your eczema more uncomfortable. Krill oil, or more specifically omega-3 fatty acids keep both inflammation and oxidative under control, so as to better protect your skin.

The Inside-Out and Outside-In Approach

A large contributing factor to inflammation in your body is the health of your gut. It may not seem relevant, but an unhealthy gut and unbalanced microbiome can trigger widespread inflammation.

An unhealthy gut environment allows harmful bacteria to thrive and weakens your gut wall. When this happens, leaky gut syndrome develops, and toxins are free to roam about your body as they please. Your immune system kicks into overdrive to eliminate the wandering toxins and the result is chronic inflammation.

This inflammation affects every organ and increases the risk of several serious diseases. It also triggers or exacerbates your eczema and worsens the condition and health of your skin. An imbalanced gut can be improved by including probiotics in your diet.

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Taking care of your skin involves more than internal maintenance. Because your skin is exposed to the environment, it can take a real beating every day. Tired, dead, and flaky skin only worsens eczema, so keeping it moisturized becomes a necessity.

Coconut oil and sunflower oil both work to enhance skin resilience and lock moisture deep within, to prevent dryness. The more moisturized your skin is, the better it can resist and recover from inflammatory flare-ups.

Probiotics and omega-3 supplements can work to treat eczema from the inside, but you can also tackle the condition from the outside. Your skin needs to be kept moisturized at all times, whether there is a flare-up or not.

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Natural and organic moisturizing creams can help sooth itchy and dry skin and prevent future rashes. Keeping moisture locked in while maintaining optimal gut bacterial balance and controlling inflammation provides a well-rounded treatment plan for eczema.

The Bottom Line

With krill oil supplements being one of the best ways to get omega-3 fatty acids into your diet, anyone seeking to manage their eczema should consider purchasing them. Eczema may not have a cure, but it can be controlled.

By taking the right steps to decrease inflammation, eczema problems can be a lot easier to deal with.

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1MD’s Antarctic Krill Oil Platinum is the best krill oil on the market and contains 1600 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, including the essential EPA and DHA, in every serving. These powerful antioxidants promote cognitive, heart, joint health, and more.

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