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8 Health Benefits From Walking 30 Minutes a Day: Low-Impact Exercise

7 minute read

It is no secret that exercise is a necessary part of being healthy. What may come as a surprise is that you don’t need to go to the gym every day, run for miles, or lift an assortment of weights to attain good health.

You can achieve numerous health benefits just from taking a walk every day. It can be difficult to find the time to exercise, but a simple evening stroll or walk on your lunch break is all you need to enjoy some real health improvement.

It Only Takes Half an Hour

Thirty minutes of walking each day is all you need to improve your overall physical and mental health.

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Obviously, if you have specific goals, like to gain muscle or compete in a marathon, you will require more intense workouts. But for the average person just looking to stay fit and healthy, all you need is a thirty-minute walk.

Apart from the eight benefits below, you also get fresh air and vitamin D from the sun, both of which are essential to your health.

1. Improved Mental Health

Walking has been shown to improve symptoms associated with mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Even if you are not suffering with any mental health diseases, just getting out of the house or office will do you a world of good.

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The change of scenery, the fresh air, and the gentle exercise offer you a brief escape from your daily routine. A walk around the block helps to clear your head and relieve stress, so you can get back to your day refreshed and ready to go.

2. Boost Immunity

Walking for thirty minutes has been shown to boost immune cell production and circulation. The more immune cells you have, the better protected you are from disease and illness. The enhanced circulation you enjoy from walking also ensures that immune cells are delivered where needed more promptly.

3. Supports Weight Loss

Most people are under the impression that hitting the treadmill is the best way to lose weight. While this is true, some intense cardiovascular activity can be too hard on the body, especially for those with joint pain.

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Walking is a gentler form of cardio and it can reduce the effects of 32 obesity-promoting genes in your body. By inhibiting the actions of these genes, obesity can be controlled, which allows you to lose any excess weight and regain good health.

4. Prevent Diabetes

Studies have shown that aerobic exercise helps your body to use insulin more efficiently. If you are at risk for developing diabetes or already have the condition, then a brisk walk after each meal is ideal for helping regulate blood sugar levels.

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Incorporating a walk into your daily plan will help support your body and can even prevent any further complications associated with the disease. Whether you have diabetes or not, walking every day can help keep sugar levels in check.

5. Reduces Stress Eating

We all get cravings, and these typically result from spikes and drops in blood sugar levels. The bad thing about cravings is that they typically involve carbohydrates or high-sugar foods.

Since too much sugar or fat contributes to weight gain and complicates conditions, like diabetes, the best way to avoid cravings is to go for a walk. We also like to eat more when we get stressed, but the sugar we crave will be detrimental to our health.

A walk is the better option. Walking each day helps to control cravings, regulate your metabolism, and release any built-up stress.

6. Heart Healthy

The very term cardio suggests a relationship with the heart. Cardio workouts have long been reported as beneficial for heart health, and walking is one of the better cardio options.

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As a gentler exercise, walking allows you to get blood pumping without over-exerting yourself. Walking at least twenty minutes a day has been shown to reduce the risk for heart disease by as much as 30 percent.

7. Improved Mobility

One of the things we fear most as we age is the physical limitations that our body develops. Getting older is associated with decreased mobility and increased fragility, but walking every day can help turn the tables.

The more exercise you get in your youth, the less chance you have of developing physical disabilities when older. That said, there’s no need to worry if you weren’t an active youth, as there is always time to start moving.

Add a walk to your routine each day and help your body ward off the typical signs of aging. Increased mobility protects from injury and also improves overall physical health in elderly individuals.

8. Decreased Cancer Risk

While there is no definitive cure for cancer, there are numerous choices you can make to help prevent cancer or reduce your risk for developing certain types. Physical activity and overall health is ideal when it comes to keeping cancer away, and a walk every day is a good place to start.

Studies have shown that walking each week for three hours reduces the risks of developing certain types of cancers. Getting some fresh air never sounded so good.

As if all that wasn’t enough, the best part about walking is that it is free and simple to do. No expensive gym memberships needed, and you can fit it easily into your life.

The Bottom Line

Thirty minutes a day in the morning before you head to work, at lunch to get yourself away from the office, or after dinner to help digestion, walking is the simplest and cheapest way to exercise.

Walking gets the heart pumping and energy flowing, helping you stay alert and creative all day long. Feeling good on the inside and looking good on the outside, walking is the ultimate gift to health without any strain.

When it comes to great health and overall well-being, simplicity is the key to success. Put on some comfortable shoes and go for a walk.

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