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How to Restore a Healthy pH Balance in 4 Easy Steps and Its Importance

7 minute read

You may have heard of “pH balance” before, in a science class or other similar environment. You may even know that it has to do with acidity. But you may not have considered that pH is an important factor when it comes to the health of the human body.

That’s right, if your pH is not at the proper balance, it can have a negative impact on your health. It turns out that pH is extremely important when it comes to regulating how the systems within the human body function. Here is why pH is important to the human body, and what the benefits are for having a properly balanced pH.

The Importance of pH

The letters “pH” stand for “potential of hydrogen,” which is essentially a measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions within a given solution. This is a complex way of saying that pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of fluids and tissues, even those within the human body.

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The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline. 7, right down the middle, is the signifier of a completely neutral pH, and this is about the pH of distilled water.

So what is the best pH for your body? Well, experts say your pH should be somewhere slightly more alkaline than neutral. The optimum level is between 7.3 and 7.5. The typically normal range for a human body’s pH is somewhere between 6 and 7.5. So clearly, we want to be on the upper end of that spectrum.

The Acid Test

You may have heard in some other form that acidity is bad for the human body. Acids, like those found in soda and other soft drinks, are notorious saboteurs of your health. And now that you’ve learned that the human body is supposed to be more alkaline than acidic, you can start to see a theme taking shape.

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You don’t want your body to be too acidic, which is all too common thanks to the prevalence of highly acidic foods in the Standard American Diet.

Knowing all this, alkaline diets have become a popular fad these days. These diets are purported to help balance your pH levels and reduce the acidity. Proponents of these diets point to a number of health benefits as reason for following an alkaline diet. Here are 4 alkaline foods you can eat to bump your pH back to the proper level:

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Dark green vegetables, like spinach and kale, are very high in alkaline properties, which means they can help offset the effects of a high-acid diet. This is one of the reasons why green vegetables are regarded as being so healthy for you.

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They can actually help reverse the negative symptoms associated with a poor diet, which is why they’re recommended by nutritionists and health experts. It’s one of the oldest and truest health principles, that eating your vegetables will improve your overall health.

2. Healthy Fats Like the Kind Found in Olive Oil

Some people believe that all oils are bad for you, but when it comes to olive oil, that just isn’t true. Olive oil has been used for centuries for its health benefits, and whether the ancient civilizations knew it or not, one of the reasons olive oil is so good for you is because it helps keep your body at a more alkaline pH level.

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If you’re making a recipe that calls for cooking oil or vegetable, consider replacing it with olive oil. Not only will it add a more robust flavor, it will actually be good for your health by improving your pH level.

3. Fruit

Certain fruits, especially dark berries can help restore your pH to a more alkaline level. One of the benefits of dark berries is their anthocyanin content, which adds to their health effects.

In fact, berries are some of the most nutritious foods you can eat. In addition to helping pH levels, they also contain a high dose of vitamins that can improve your body’s overall health.

Blackberries, raspberries, and especially blueberries are very high in antioxidants and are a great way to improve your pH levels. Plus, they have a delicious taste that you can enjoy any time of day.

4. Plant-Based Proteins Like Nuts or Legumes

Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, and other nuts or legumes are great alkaline foods that can really assist with balancing pH levels. They’re also a great source of energy and protein, especially if you’re trying to cut down on your consumption of meats.

Often, when people try to reduce meat intake, they’re not sure where they can find the protein that they need to get through the day. Nuts and legumes are a great way to accomplish this, plus they also are alkaline foods that improve pH.

And if you cut down on your processed foods like deli meats, dairy, and sugar, that’s a great way to start correcting your body’s pH balance. Just a few dietary changes could get your entire body back to the right balance, which could help with a wide range of negative symptoms. If you’ve been struggling with one of the issues on this list, and you haven’t been able to fix it, maybe an alkaline diet could be right for you.

The Bottom Line

Fortunately, it’s easier to get alkaline foods into your diet than you may have thought. By increasing your consumption of green leafy vegetables, nuts and legumes, dark berries and other fruits, plus olive oil and other healthy fats, you’ll be well on your way towards correcting your pH balance and reducing some of the symptoms that come with an high-acid diet.

The most important thing is to be wary of what you eat, because being aware is the first step to making any meaningful dietary change. Once you get into a routine of eating meals that contain these alkaline foods, you’ll notice yourself feeling the effects of a properly balanced pH.

At that point, maintaining your health will be easier, because you’ll have felt the benefits firsthand.

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