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27 Healthy, Delicious Snacks for Adults That Are Easy to Make and Fast

8 minute read

Eating healthy and managing your diet can easily be sabotaged by the midday munchies. A quick trip to the fridge leaves you somewhat satisfied but wracked with guilt. Your diet has once again been blown by snacks.

The key to sticking to a diet and making healthier food choices is planning delicious meals in advance, and that means snacks too. To help you make the most of your resolve, here is a list of 28 healthy snacks that will keep your dieting target within sight and won’t leave you longing for chips and chocolate.

Healthy Snacks for Adults

The most important keys to healthy adult snacking are to stick to natural foods, meaning no highly processed stuff. Moderation and variety also go hand-in-hand. Finally, try to avoid low-fat, which usually means added sugar, and anything high in sugar in general.

1. Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Preheat the oven to 425° F and cut sweet potatoes into 1-inch wedges. Place on a roasting pan and brush with olive oil. Spice and season to taste and cook for 20-25 minutes. Make sure to flip them once so they are evenly crispy.

2. Kale Chips

As far as food trends go, kale is king. Transform this bitter, lettuce-like leaf into a crispy chip by separating leaves on a cookie sheet, drizzling with olive oil and a pinch of sea salt and cooking at 350° for about 10 minutes.

3. Seasoned Popcorn

Make plain popcorn exciting again. Spritz it with a butter substitute spray and then dress it up with your favorite spices. Parmesan cheese and dill, cinnamon and sugar, garlic and onion salt? Whatever you desire gets a healthy kick with this fiber-rich antioxidant.

4. Turkey Wrap

Take 3 thin slices turkey, sliced apple, lettuce, 2 tsps honey and pile that onto a healthy wrap. Try coconut wraps for fewer calories and more carb control.

5. Baked Apple

Remove core and fill with a couple nuts, craisins, raisins, some brown sugar, and cinnamon. Bake in the microwave for 3-4 minutes, covered.

6. Chocolate-Drizzled Fruit

Slice bananas, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, or any fruit you love with drizzled chocolate and it will brighten your day. Stay away from dipped fruits which are loaded with chocolate and calories and drizzle it with Hershey’s syrup instead.

7. Chocolate-Dipped Fruit

Similar to the treat above, in this one you use a fat-free pudding cup and pair it with your favorite fruits.

8. Goat Cheese Bruschetta

Select low-calorie, thin rye bread slices or another low-calorie bread. Don’t destroy your diet with too many calories or carbs.

Slice cherry tomatoes and place them on top. Dot with flavorful goat cheese and sprinkle with your favorite seasonings. You can even drizzle with balsamic vinegar for a bigger kick.

9. Cheese and Apples

Gouda with honey crisp apple slices is a tasty treat that’s easy to put together and gives you a nice balance of sweet and savory.

10. Baked Seasoned Nuts

Take your favorite nuts and douse them with 1.5 teaspoons olive oil, 1.5 teaspoons vanilla extract, 1.5 teaspoons ground cinnamon and 1 teaspoon ground ginger. Make sure you cover the nuts all over with this mixture and then lay them out on a baking sheet and bake at 325° F for about 10 minutes.

11. Edamame

Quick and packed with nutrients, this treat is easy to make. You can find them frozen in most supermarkets. Just microwave, boil, or steam them until they’re warm, sprinkle with salt (or not) and you’ve got a healthy treat.

12. Overnight Quick Oats

Mix 1/4 cup quick oats, 1/2 cup coconut milk, 1/2 tsp chia seeds and your favorite fruits together in a canning jar and leave in the refrigerator overnight. By morning you have a sweet treat that’s filling and satisfying.

13. Ginger Coleslaw

Make a twist on old cole slaw by switching out mayonnaise with a low-calorie ginger dressing.

14. Whole Grain Cookies

Mash two bananas together with one cup uncooked quick oats and then fold in 1/4 cup crushed walnuts. Bake for 15 minutes in a 350° oven.

15. Chia Pudding

Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Place 2.5 cups unsweetened almond or coconut milk in a jar, add 1/2 cup chia seeds, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon. Mix, cover, and refrigerate for at least four hours to create a pudding.

16. Tempeh and Avocado

Take advantage of the healthy fats in an avocado by pairing it with the protein and probiotic boost that comes with tempeh.

17. Frozen Yogurt Berries

Take your favorite berries and dip them in yogurt, then pop them on a baking sheet and into the freezer. After an hour they’ll be frozen and a quick, cool treat.

18. Pumpkin Spice Yogurt

Mix 1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup pumpkin puree, sweetened with stevia and 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract with pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon.

19. Watermelon Fruit Cup

Toss watermelon cubes with a tablespoon fresh lime juice, 1/2 teaspoon grated lime zest and sprinkle with cayenne pepper and 2 teaspoons chopped unsalted roasted pistachios.

20. Fruit Tacos

Fill a small corn tortilla with strawberries, edamame, avocado, and cilantro, then drizzle with balsamic vinegar.

21. Banana Slices With Nutella and Raspberries

Slice a banana then top with just a touch of Nutella and one raspberry. It’s a great little treat as is or can be thrown together in a blender to make a smoothie.

22. Hummus and Pepper

Skip the carbs and scoop up your favorite hummus with a mini pepper instead. Just don’t go too heavy on the hummus.

| Related: Paleo, Vegan, Gluten-Free Snack Bars You’ll Love |

23. Dried Fruit

Whether you buy it or get a dehydrator and make your own, this sweet treat fills you with fiber, not sugar.

24. Beef Jerky

This protein rich snack can pack a powerful sodium punch, so look for the low salt variety. And then enjoy the midday pick-me-up.

25. Dark Chocolate

There are days when nothing but chocolate will do and on those days, enjoy dark chocolate instead. Yes, dark chocolate is bitter and takes some getting used to, but once you are, you’ll reap the healthy rewards of its antioxidant content.

26. Crispy Chickpeas

Toss chickpeas with olive oil and salt and spread in a baking sheet. Roast in a 425° oven for about 30 minutes, stirring frequently. Add your favorite seasonings and snack away.

27. Banana Ice Cream

Frozen bananas provide the base to this treat. To make the base, throw 2 to 3 frozen bananas into a blender and blend until you get the texture you desire. Then boost the appeal by adding fruits and seasonings to create something new and exciting.

The Bottom Line

It’s easy to fall into the trap where you can’t think of anything to make because you’re too hungry and didn’t preplan. Besides a bag of chips or a candy bar is just so convenient.

With some forethought and planning, making healthy snacks to have on hand is a snap. And, the best news—once you get into the habit of doing this, it’ll be second nature and you’ll forget all about the chips and candy bars.

READ NEXT >>> How to Make Tasty Avocado Chips

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