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10 Sweet Activity & Craft Tips for Kids to Celebrate Grandparents Day

8 minute read

Grandparents Day will be here before you know it. Since it’s the first Sunday after Labor Day (which is September 9th in 2018), it’s also the first holiday of Autumn.

Your parents may live far away, or they could be right down the street. Either way this is a time for the kids to show their grandparents how much they love them. T

Tokens of appreciation don’t need to be expensive, though; there are plenty of sweet ideas for your kids to show their love to grandma and grandpa.

The Importance of Grandparents for Grandchildren

Grandparents fill a very special role in the lives of children. They are people to look up to and respect but at the same time they are to be admired and can be a lot of fun. They get to play like a friend but provide experience and wisdom that teaches children. They show up to all the plays, sporting events, and spelling bees and are there through thick and thin.

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They are the real MVPs of any family and deserve nothing but the best all year round. Sometimes it can be hard to visit, especially if they don’t live nearby.

But, no matter the distance, there is always a way to show grandparents love. Plus, considering the importance of staying social for the elderly, it’s healthy for everyone. Homemade goodies, quality time together, or regular phone calls keep the bond alive and the love flowing.

Most Valued Gifts for the Family MVPs

1. Have a Sleepover

Ask a grandparent what they want most and it will almost always be more time with the grandkids. Find a day that works for everyone’s schedule and arrange for grandma and grandpa to get the kids for the night.

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It is best to make sure there is nothing else going on that day like a playdate, so the time will not be cut short. With schedules being hectic, a sleepover may not always be possible, so you can arrange for the kids to have a lunch or dinner date instead.

2. Make a Sweet Treat

Nothing puts a smile on a person’s face than their favorite dessert. Have the kids make their grandparents favorite sweet.

It will taste even better because it was made with love. The secret is letting kids decorate the dessert however they want. That is the added charm that will make grandma or grandpa’s smile even bigger.

3. A Kiss Flip Book

Getting a real kiss on the cheek will brighten the day of any grandparent, but this is not always possible. When there is distance between you and the grandparents, you can try having the kids make a kiss flip book as a way to remind them how much they are loved in between visits.

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Take a picture of your child standing in front of a light-colored wall, blowing a kiss. Print the photo five times and be sure to keep them small so the flip book isn’t too big. Then, let your child draw a red heart on the photo with a red marker, two hearts on the second, three on the third, and so on.

Punch holes in the side of the photos and tie together with string. This simple project will leave a big impression.

4. I Love You Because List

Making an “I love you because” list is another simple homemade idea that can brighten the day of any grandparent. It can be isolating to be away from your loved ones which can be depressing for elderly adults.

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Having reminders that their family loves them is a great way to keep them happy and healthy. Have your child write down all the things they love about their grandparents.

Is it that funny song grandpa always sings, or the nickname grandma uses? If possible, have your child read it aloud to them and make sure they get a copy to keep and treasure.

5. Customize a T-shirt

Have your child draw a picture of grandma and grandpa and take a photo. This image can be easily added to t-shirts, pillows, mugs, or blankets these days, and makes a great heart-warming gift so grandma and grandpa are never too lonely.

Just ask the photo lab at your local drug store or you can look online. There are several websites that change your print into whatever you want, just remember to allow time for production and shipping.

6. Make a Scrapbook

When the kids don’t get to see their grandparents too often, a scrapbook makes a good present. Collect pictures, mementos, and letters and put them in a scrapbook. This gives the perfect reminder of all the fun times they have spent together.

7. Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

Grandparents have a lot of love to give and a lot of stories to share. With age comes experience and wisdom and they love to share this with inquiring minds.

Encourage your child to interview grandma or grandpa about their childhood or about specific events. They love sharing stories, and recalling past events aloud is just one natural way to improve memory.

Your children will learn new information and develop a fonder understanding of their grandparents. Have grandma and grandpa discuss their favorite memory, what school was like, or even how they met. You can always record the interview, so everyone has a way to recall and cherish it.

8. Share a Hobby

Along with learning about the past, your child can also learn about their grandma’s favorite hobby or grandpa’s favorite fishing tricks. Have them spend an afternoon learning a new hobby, with the grandparents in the teaching seat.

This encourages bonding and your child will learn something new and may end up with a new favorite hobby.

9. Make a Photo Book

Different from a scrapbook, a photo book consists just pictures. Collect pictures of the kids from all ages and all events to make your own photo album.

This is especially heart-warming when the grandparents live far away, and it gives them something to cherish when they are unable to visit. You can send pictures to them all year long for them to add to the collection.

10. Sing a Song

Kids singing will put a smile on anybody’s face. When they belt out grandpa’s favorite oldies hit or grandma’s top Beach Boys song, that smile will grow even wider. A live performance will always be best, but if this is not possible record the show and send for them to view whenever they want.

The Bottom Line

Grandparents Day is just one day where kids can show their love and affection to their grandparents. There is a special bond between kids and grandparents, and you want to nurture this.

Not only does it benefit the elderly to maintain close connections with family, but your kids get additional love and support as they grow. These sweet ideas can be shared any day of the year, because grandparents are important for more than just one day.

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